World Book Day: SML's Staff Favorites

World Book Day could possibly be a librarians favorite day! Books aren't the only part of a librarian's job, but they are certainly one of the more beloved parts. What better way to celebrate this day than a list of the staff's favorite books! Maybe you'll find some of your favorites on this list or maybe you'll find a few new books to add to your To Be Read List! Click the title to reserve the book in the library's card catalog. Happy reading! 

"This has been my favorite book since high school. The short stories are perfection...tiny and sometimes brutal slices of lives that are both real and fictional at the same time. To me, Salinger's appeal is deeply tied to the mystery of how much was make believe and how much really happened."

Jamie, Library Director

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

"It's a story about a fellow booknerd who remains her own brave self in a world that seems determined to change her."

Chazley, Children's Librarian 

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"I didn't read The Little Prince until I was in college, but it gave me a mantra to help me come to terms with the death of my godmother: my sadness is a small payment for the color of the wheat fields, for stars that can laugh, ad for a chance to be unique in all the world."

Katie, Teen Librarian 

Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist

"As a lover of horror books from a young age, I'd grown tired of vampires, werewolves and the like being cast in similar stories revolving around mysticism over practicality. Lindqvist broke the mold and made a frightening book that drew as much horror from the real world as it did from the vampires. It was the usage of humanity's darkside that made the story of Oskar and Eli quickly become one of my favorite tales... and one of the rare books I revisit every few years."

Sam, PC Specialist

"This book has an underdog hero, good versus evil, and success achieved through teamwork. Really, though, I don't have a single favorite. I read so many series that I have favorite universes. (Discworld and the Vorkosigan universe just to name two.) But I can't think of one single pivotal book in those universes that I would unequivocally say is my all time favorite." 

Cherie, Reference Librarian 

Inside Out Man by Fred Strydom

"I love this book so much, because it was the perfect combination of gothic romanticism, Jazz Age-esque characters, and the 21st century melodrama all wrapped up in a neat little psychological thriller."

Donald, Teen Library Technician 

Mr. Fox by Helen Oyeyemi

"This is my favorite book due to its madcap literary wordplay and zany take on the Bluebeard fairy tale. She's entirely too smart for me, but the journey is so much fun that I don't mind at all."

Lesley, Technology Librarian 

The Lorax by Dr. Seuss

"It was the first book I read that focused on the importance of protecting our environment."

Lu, Tween Librarian 

Salem's Lot by Stephen King

"This was the first book that I got really scared while reading."

Diana, Library Technician

The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett

"'If you trust in yourself... and believe in your dreams.. and follow your star... you'll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren't so lazy.' Read this if you need to feel lovely and warm inside."

Lisa, Materials Management Librarian 

Uprooted by Naomi Novik 

"It's a beautiful book."

Brandy, Library Technician

A Lasting Impression by Tamera Alexander

"This book, and the whole Belmont Mansion series, took being my favorite to a new level when my husband and I made a stop on our honeymoon at the real life Belmont Mansion in Nashville. There's something special about reading about a place and being able to visit all those years later." 

Sabrina, Marketing Librarian 

The Martian by Andy Weir

"Space, hard science, sarcastic humor, and on your first trip to Mars don't forget the fixings for a fully loaded baked potato!"

Catherine, Library Technician

The Dispossessed by Ursula K. LeGuin

"I loved how carefully the author built out the worlds in the book, and how the society these people lived in affected who they were. Also, it made me cry a lot and I love books that make me cry." 

Carrie, Community Connections Librarian 

The Color Purple by Alice Walker

"Even though my favorite genre is romance, The Color Purple is my favorite book. Celie going through a rough life overcomes obstacles and abuse. At the end, she reunited with her children she didn't know were alive. It's a sad, heartbreaking, strong, and loving book. "

Lisa, Homebound Library Technician

Naked in Death by JD Robb

"The story is a futuristic cop thriller with a lead female detective. The author gets you attached to the characters and you just want to keep reading to find out how she solves the cases."

Rita, Library Technician 

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